Thanks for the swift responses to my enquiry. I have confirmed that your suggestions are in fact the very man I am researching. It goes to show that a little diversion from fact can lead you miles astray as did my initial info that he was named John. From your info I am building a great picture of this exceptional hero of both world wars.
I have been knocked back by the RAF Service Personnel & Veterans Agency and also The Medal Office as it seems the Data Protection Act is preventing them from supplying information?? Any advice re this would be welcome however I have sent and enquiry to the Information Commissioners as I am not sure about these brush offs.
The quest to compile a detailed history of CH Cahill and honour his memory as well as trace any living relatives to whom the medal can be restored is well under way and will continue. Thanks again for the valued help and information. Always glad to hear any further suggestions.
I am compiling data for a military biography of Group Captain Charles Howard CAHILL DFC AFC and have had valuable leads from this excellent forum. Might I ask, if any of you historians have any info or snippets of this remarkable man, for you to make the info available to me. I know he served in the RAMC 1914-16; RFA 1916-17; RFC 1917-18 and RAF 1918-post WWII. He was CO of XV SQN, RAF Station Basrah and RAF Luqa Malta. I am researching what I have, but would appreciate further information of any kind concerning this great mans career.
My associate and I have his DFC and will return it to any living relative we trace, or donate it to a Museum, poss RAF Museum. His story is remarkable in short, but when detailed will be nothing less than epic. We will produce a book dedicated to him, which is in the writing as we speak. Thank you in anticipation of any information you are able to provide.
I can tell you quite a lot about CHC whom I am writing a book about.
If you wish to make contact with me please look at and post on the contact facility. I would be more than happy to tell you about the project and answer any questions you have. I can give you my Mobile No. via this secure link as I have a thought that you are in the South of England. I am in County Durham. I have discovered relatives of CHC (Tunbridge) but have not yet made contact. My associate and myself intend fully to do so as the family may be in possession of information which is valuable to the story. It is a truly great story.
I have his RAF Pilots log book in my apartment in Tokyo. My father gave it to me. Shortly after WWII his report says on patrol near norway - bombed Whale - submarine spotted.
To Anonymous regarding the RAF Pilots log book in Tokyo. Could I have access to this document for the book? Would love to be able to refer to this record. I have come across the report through the national archive but to see (even photos) of this document would be fantastic. Would you please consider and make contact. I can be contacted through or through this forum. Thank you in anticipation. ShaunB
-- Edited by Muskerblue on Tuesday 25th of August 2015 08:45:38 AM
I am still keen to know more about the pilots log in your possession. Sight of it through photographs will suffice but if you would consider sale I am interested as the document could be returned to the family who I am about to make contact with, or placed into the RAF museum archive. As I said I have found reference to the whale and the submarine through research but this first hand account is so exciting. I can be contacted more quickly through the contact page on if you could possibly find time to consider this request. Thanks ShaunB
Due to spam and totally irrelevant posts on this site, and the failure of admins to tackle it I am leaving the forum. EMail contact can be made via
If it is the same man, he lived with his sister next door to a house that had been the scene of the infamous McMahon family murders in the pogroms of the 1920s. He was introduced to me as "Air Vice Marshal Charles Cahill" (though whether this was apocryphal or not I was not in a position to establish).