Has anyone in their research come across the above officer pre- August 1944. He was a flight commander on No.218 (Gold Coast) Squadron and C/O of No.XV Squadron ( both No.3 Group Squadrons )
Details on RAF career or photo most welcome.
No.218 (Gold Coast) Squadron Association Historian
Hello I have some details on my Uncle Nigel Macfarlane.I have some crew photographs,7 men including Nigel.on and around their bomber. Lancaster. Thanks to Jelle Ywema WW2Awards
I have copies of his flight plans and records thanks to Martyn Ford Jones.XV Squadron historian
I have in recently purchased . DSO Air Awrds by Doug V P Hearns ,his awards details,although the details on his Order of Leopold,and Croix de Guerre are not very clear,
Born in 1915,in Cornwall.
Nigel passed away peacefully in his retirement home in S.A ,Sept 2013
We are hoping to make contact with Terry Moore ,son of Dennis Moore, Nigels Navigator ,this summer, and possibly Fred Shepherd his rear gunner,who survives,
Sorry for the late reply, just returned from leave.
I know Martin very well and he kindly sent information on Nigel with XV Squadron. However its his brief time with 218 I am interested in. Sadly no picture seem to have survived of him on the squadron. I have just completed a squadron history on 218 Squadron to be published by Pen & Sword next year. I was hoping to include a photograph of Nigel and his crew, can you help ?
Sorry for the late reply, just returned from leave.
I know Martin very well and he kindly sent information on Nigel with XV Squadron. However its his brief time with 218 I am interested in. Sadly no picture seem to have survived of him on the squadron. I have just completed a squadron history on 218 Squadron to be published by Pen & Sword next year. I was hoping to include a photograph of Nigel and his crew, can you help ?
Sorry for the late reply, just returned from leave.
I know Martin very well and he kindly sent information on Nigel with XV Squadron. However its his brief time with 218 I am interested in. Sadly no picture seem to have survived of him on the squadron. I have just completed a squadron history on 218 Squadron to be published by Pen & Sword next year. I was hoping to include a photograph of Nigel and his crew, can you help ?
Lastly, sorry to hear of his passing.
Kind regards as always.
PS : Not sure what happen there, two additional post !!
No.218 (Gold Coast) Squadron Association Historian
Mike I did get your email on my address (gilbo2109@icloud.com),I see it's marked no reply,but I have tried it seems to have worked,I think? I have numerous things to talk about,which I would like to do on a private site as there are things I don't want to be in the public domain. If I can make contact I will let you have my phone no.etc. Pete Gilbert
I have purchased last year a silver cup, presented to N. G. Mcfarlane, DSO, Aug 44 to April 45, from members OD the 15 Squdron to him as Wing Commander. I don't know if this is the same person. Tom.kupferer@att.net
Yes. My father, Freddie Wright DFC and bar and MID was W/Op on Stirlings on 218 Sqn, at Downham Market (March - Sept 1943) and then Signals Leader on XV Sqn at Mildenhall (March 1944- 1945). He knew Nigel Macfarlane well and I was named Nigel after him!
My father John Meller flew with Wing Commander MacFarlane on 26th June 1945 and again 24th August . My father was a wireless operator on Lancasters in 15 squadron at Mildenhall.
My father, Pat Russell, served as a bomb-aimer on 15 Squadron Lancasters under Wing Commander Nigel Macfarlane at Mildenhall in Suffolk. Nigel's signature is in my dad's log book for when Pat had completed 24 operational missions by the time the War ended in 1945. Odd coincidence that Captain Bill Leith, Master of the South African supply vessel SA Agulhas, which took me for 'tours of duty' down at Marion Island in the sub-Antarctic in the 1980s, was next-door-neighbour to Nigel in Cape Town! (Shaun Russell, Lllanllyfni, Wales)