my auntie ( 89 years old and very frail no way) still remembers Tony as a 19 year old tail end charlie before he was Kia 31st March 1944 when she was 16.. I don't suppose anyone has any other information beyond that on the CWGC certificate. A photo would be even better even if only of the ill fated lanc ZN-C shot down by a night fighter over Berghasen Asslar.
Many thanks Mike - much appreciated - have bought the grave photo for her. Looks like he wasn't the rear gunner but on top according to the records I've found. My auntie met his mother during the war and she always remembered him writing his name on the wooden cross she gets every year around rememberance Sunday.
Sgt. Gilbert A Poole was my uncle. I have been to see his grave in Hannover British Military Cemetary. He was known as Tony by his 3 brothers. Ken (my father) Ron and Alan.
thank you so much for replying. If you look at my blog at and search for your Uncle you will see a picture of my Auntie Dorothy ( and Debbie my wife) with a short explanation of her interaction with Tony - exactly what she called him. What a small world. Ido t suppose you have a photo of him do you? My email is Peter.shores@ but I'll understand if you'd rather leave things as they are.
Hi Peter, I have searched through old photos and found 2 photos of uncle Tony. I have scanned them and e mailed them to you. Hope they are clear enough for your aunt to see.
Oh that's wonderful Tony - they've come through just now - she will be so pleased.
I'm right in the process of moving house and my printer is packed so there may be a delay until I can send her hard copy but I'll be sure to let you know when she see's them.
The only other thing I could do is put them on my blog and my brother has an iPad - but perhaps you wouldn't want me to do that - just let me know
You can send them to your brother if you wish. I am just pleased that someone else has a memory of Tony and remembers him on armistice day. His name is on the war memorial in the market place in Sleaford. So he will always be back in Sleaford.