If you save the YouTube video to your computer and open it in VLC, you can convert the audio portion to MP3. No problem there, and Im certain there are other, even easier ways.
From the standpoint of legalities, its probably safe as long as youre not taking copyrighted material and selling it to others.
Hi, I believe I can help you. You see, if you are a newbie or a blogger you should be aware of some YouTube hacks. There are many things that YouTube itself offers to people, and some are provided by third parties to increase user experience. Here is my favorite mp3 converter www.flvto.biz/en74/ that I`ve tested already and should say it works pretty well for me. Simply give it a try. Good luck
Cool! YouTube is a great platform to watch videos. But unfortunately YouTube does not allow you to download videos. I was recording from a smartphone screen.
and I use the best online converter because video quality is important to me. I often save pictures from videos, then convert them from jpg to png https://img-converter.com/en/convert/jpg-to-png/ I process in a photo editor and use in my projects