My great uncle Sgt Cyril Leon Caston (aged 20) 1627211 was the crew flight engineer for the missions and he too went missing in LM722 coded AS-D on 23/09/44, from Kirmington to Neuss. I have had reports that Cyril was found badly burned, to the extent of being unrecognisable and passing away several days later. A very reputable researcher investigated all of the circumstances in 2012-13 and it is believed Cyril was initially interred by the Germans at the Poznan garrison cemetery, in an unnamed grave in 1944. Post war, subsequently he was exhumed and moved to a cemetery in France, still unnamed and it is at that point the trail goes cold... Unfortunately in 2014, my researcher too passed away.
A lady connected with the rear gunner Sgt Robert Leigh contacted me in 2015 but unfortunately, I did not have a photograph of Sgt Leigh (aged 19) to give to her.
There also appears to be another enquiry on this site about F/O Forbes Cameron, the air bomb aimer.
There also appears to be another enqiry on this site about Sgt Roger Brockwell Ward, the mid upper gunner
They are reported as flying several of the Lancasters listed in the book 'Ton Up Lancasters'
Does anyone have any information, photographs of the crew?
P/O James Glyn Davies 175652 Pilot DoB 24/11/12 - wife Mrs G Davies
Sgt Arthur Rollinson 1622914 Nav DoB 09/07/23 - father Mr A Rollinson
F/Sgt James Mackenzie Dillon A427503 W/op DoB 29/06/15 - wife Mrs MV Dillon (Australian)
Sgt Robert Leigh 2210791 - R/G DoB 30/01/25 - father Mr H Leigh
Please feel free to email me on for more information (Fraser)