On a recent visit to the N.A at Kew I chanced upon an AVIA document concerning the early development of the Short Stirling. Of particular interest were the details on the proposed use of a mid-under turret and the use of a 20mm cannon.
What would have been the impact on the Bomber offensive if both the mid-under & 20mm cannon had been introduced at this early stage? An interesting question. !!
Well I guess one obvious point is that there may have been fewer losses from "Schragemuzik" equipped nightfighters, assuming that these guns would have covered the bombers' blind spot.
The most interesting aspect of this 1940 memo is that the Air Ministry was already aware of the potential dangers of attacks from below and the need for heavier calibre turret defence for the bombers.
So why was it not until 1944 that these 1940 recommendations finally filtered through to front line squadrons. Perhaps more determination on the part of some would or should have been more forthcoming.
No.218 (Gold Coast) Squadron Association Historian
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