Just enquiring if anyone would remember a Mel Andrews from Toronto who served as a navigator in a Halifax flying first with 419, then 431 then 432. Their crew for the full tour was
Jim Morrison, Pilot Andy Johnson, Gunner Tommy Hieland, Bomb Aimer John Lynk, Rear Gunner Bill Touchie, Wireless Op Harry Looney, Engineer
This crew flew on 2 ops that my cousin's crew also did during May of 44 while with 431 sqn. Le Clipon (May 27/28) & Trouville May (24/25). Looks like they only flew 5 ops with 431 sqn, I have the pilot as MacDonald though.
Steve if you have any photos of the Mel or his crew I would love to add them to the site.
Although I was with 419 Squadron about the time Bill Touchie and his crew were there, I never knew him at the time. However, after the war, Bill and I were best Buddies in the Chemical industry. I believe he now lives on Vancouver Island; like me, in well deserved retirement.
The Pilot was posted out on March 6,1944 after completing hjs second tour of 20 ops. The rest of the crew was then sent to Topcliffe for recrewing with a new pilot. Most had completed 19 ops.
Steve, In addition to the other answers you have received here is the Operations for the crew in question while with 431 Squadron and Matt is correct, the Pilot for all of these Op's was S/L MacDonald.
05/01/44 St. Gheslain Halifax Mk.III SE-D MZ517 05/08/44 Haine St. Pierre (same aircraft as above) 05/11/44 Boulogne (same aircraft as above) 05/12/44 Louvain (same aircraft as above) 05/24/44 Trouville Halifax Mk.III SE-B NA514 05/27/28/44 Le Clipon Halifax Mk. III SE-A MZ685
With exception of S/L MacDonald, this crew were posted to 432 Squadron05/30/44. The S/L was posted to 425 Squadron on the same date
And as Matt has referred to his cousin my brother and crew were also on a few of these Op's at the same time.