Today I received my copy of the Halifax Aircraft Association report and it contained an article on the offening panel. I thought I would share it in case some of us were not aware that changes had been made. The following is what has been decided upon to replace the original.
Bomber Offensive. The strategic bombing campaign against Germany, an important part of the Allied effort that acheived victory, remains a source of controversy today.
Strategic bombing enjoyed a wide public and political support as a symbol of Allied resolve and a reply to German aggresion.
In its first years, the air ofensive acheived few of its objectives and suffered heavy losses. Advances in technology and tactics, combined with Allied successes on other fronts, led to improved results. By war's end, Allied bombers had razed portions of every major city in Germany and damaged many other targets, icluding oil facilities and transportation networks. The attacks blunted Germany's economic and military potential, and drew scarce resources into air defense, damage and repair and the protection of critical industries.
Allied aircrews conducted this grueling offensive with great courage against heavy odds. It required vast material and industrial efforts and claimed over 80,000 allied lives, including more than 10,000 Canadians.
While the campaign contributed to enemy war-weariness, German society did not collapse despite 600,000 dead and more than 5 million left homeless. Industrial output fell substantially, but not until late in the war.
The effectiveness and morality of bombing heavily populated areas in wartime continue to be debated. ----- END
The article closed by adding. Although the committee did not completely acheive its goal for changes to the panel, they considered the compromise reached after an all-day meeting, not a victory, but an improvement over " An Enduring Cnotroversy", with both sides saving face.