This is a request on behalf of the son of an air gunner-William Martin Lane RCAF.He is trying to establish a Squadron that his father served in.(does anyone recognise anyone in the photo?) Also can anyone tell me anything re the photo of the Lancaster,with "Nancy" written on the side?
Hi Richard-I have suggested to his son that he sends away for his dad's service records,I will see if he has any idea of the service number. Here is another photo that he sent,if this helps at all. William Lane survived the war and originated from Ontario
Hi Linda, I was in touch with Clarence Simonsen who is the resident Noseart authority he has supplied the following re the Lanc ID.
Mk. I Lancaster - Serial No. RA536 - 427 Sqdn. - Noseart reads "NANCY" this Lancaster was struck off charge by the R.A.F. June 17th 1943.
Clarence, like so many of our contacts, Richard Koval, Matt, Alan Soderstrom 434 Sqdn. webmaster are all very good at sharing info so the credit is not mine to claim, thanks to Clarence I hope this helps. Bill.
Hi again Linda, As a further add-on to my previous entry, having gotten the serial No. of the Lanc. from Clarence I had a look at my Lancaster book and checked it out. This aircraft was coded ZL-N and came to 427 Sqdn. in Feb 1945. It is really hard to see but if you zoom in to the starboard undercarriage frame of your photograph,you can only just make out the letter "N" .
FYI the next aircraft in the serial No. series, that being RA 537 also came to 427 sqdn. on the same date, it was coded ZL-P it too was scrapped in 1947 Bill.
Bill-Many many thanks for the amazing info on the Lancaster photo ( you obviously have better eyesight as i spent ages squinting at it,but now you have pointed it out,can just about see it!)Please pass on my thanks to Clarence also.
Richard,many thanks also,this 427 crew listing sounds promising and very likely,and i already have a hopeful contact on Charles Brazier,thanks to you giving out the names. hopefully he can i.d. the men in the photo, to see if it is the same crew, ,or not as the case may be. Once William Lane's service records appear,that should clinch it,so i will let you all know but big thanks!!!!
Just to confirm that Flight/Sergeant Charles Brazier has been confirmed by his daughter,as the airman in the crew photo,back row,extreme right! Thanks for the crew names,Richard!