Many of you will be aware of Betty's Cafe in York and its history of being a gathering place of Pilots and crews, from the local bomber stations around York, well Betty's has a mirror that became a focal point for the airmen to sign their names on, I now have a list of all the signatures on the mirror if anyone needs any names checking
Hi Jim, Great idea, yes "Betty's Bar" was well known by the aircrews of Yorkshire. I wondered if my brother's name might be on there. I really don't know if he ever visited there but it would be interesting to know one way or the other. His name was Angus Heron, apparently affectionaly known to his crew as "Jock" being from Glasgow I guess it's kind of fitting. Look forward to hearing from you.Thx. Bill Heron/Niagara
When I was in #6 Group during the war, it was called Betty's Bar, and I visited it a few times. I saw the mirrors again in 2000 when I was touring England. Don't think I scratched my name on them. There was an item in the newsletter from Eden Camp at Malton, North Yorkshire, but it won't post on here.
Hi Guys, had a look, no Angus Heron or Jock, but i understand a section of it was destroyed in a bomb blast so who knows. I'm researching 14 guys from Riccall and Rufforth and not one mentioned in this list, I never visited this mirror myself, wich is daft as i work in an office just around the corner, think its the price of the cakes that put me off.
Can't find it on my list Matt, but i recon my list has no where near all the names on it, some can't be made out and some were lost in a bomb blast, so you never know
My Dad was stationed with 432 Squadron at East Moor in 1944. Could you check your list for the following names?
Pilot: JOHNSTON, F/O Verdun Robert Navigator: BUCKLEY, James "Jim" Bomb Aimer: SMITH, Robert "Bob" Wireless Op: TITUS, John Sidney "Jack" Tail Gunner: SCARFF, Bruce Mid Upper Gunner: WILBURN, G. "Shorty" Engineer: GIBSON, R. "Pete"
Hi, sorry for the delay in replying, probabally best if i just place all the names here for all to see. good luck, I live 3 miles from East Moor Airfield.
The Names on the Mirror
J. Abilies
Flight Sergeant D.F.Allen, 408 Squadron
F.M. Anderson, Penwortham, Lancashire
R.M. Arevetham
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand, 27.04.40
M. Ashton, 1st North Riding, Strensall, York
John Averwell
G.C. Baldwin, F.A.A. Squadron, S.K.U.A.S.
N. Ballantyne
Charles Barbein, D.C.
Butch Barton 03.07.39
Geo Aubrey Barton
Guy Barton
John H. Barton
H.S. Bath
F. Beckwith
B. Beetmont
Flight Sergeant R.G. Bell 408 Squadron
All Bellingham
Ray Berlsheiser
A. Betty, 1948
W.F. Beverley
General Carl Bin
S.B. Bird
R.B. Birken
M. Bitherlang, Mayoress of Leeds, 1936
A.C. Blair, 1235688 Hutch, Holme on Spalding
K. Bloor
W.N.C.A. Bonnally, B/A R.A.A.F.
G. R. Adam
Allan Allison
Pillipha Ann, 1942
N. A. Arnold, 1939
Sanib D. Arthur
R.H. Aulton
C.S. Awin
Richard Backwell
Billy Bangwell
Discip Barney
G. Barries
Geo Y.W.D. Barton
John Barton
C. A. Basket
P. Baxter
E.V. Bedford
E.V. Belapour
W.F. Bellerby
T. Belt
Ted Benson
J.H. Berrin
E. Bettys
Joan Binkers
Derek Birdes
Criss Biscomb
A.C. Bloom
H.E. Bloor
R. Bond
Boucard, Joseph, (Sailor) Nantes, France
Goe T. Boyes
E. H. Bradley, K.D.G.
S.C.O.M. Bradwell, 1st North Riding A.T.S., Strensall Camp 1939
G.H. Brewer
F.H. Bright
J. Brook
A. Basil Brown
G.H. Brown
L. Brown
R.E. Sapper Brown
L.F. Brunt
H. Buaan
Derek Buder
Sergeant Bullingen
B.L. Burne
Frederick Bush
G. Butler
Al Bryson
R.H. Cairns
D.M. Cameron, South Rhodesia
J.A. Campbell, R.C.A.F. Alberta, Canada
M. Carley
Andrew Castle, Cloumbus, Ohio U.S.A.
L. Cawood
J. Clark
R. Clayton
Sandy Carlos Clarke, 23rd Hussars
R. Clough
G.R. Colt
Bin R. Boredg
K. Boyes
J. R. Bradley, Scarborough
W.L. Brewin
Audrey Brocklebank
J. Browerken
Christine C. Brown
Jean Brown
Meb Brown
G. R. Bruckshank, F.A.A. Squadron, S.K.U.A.S.
Taffy Bruten, 231 Squadron
D. Buckton
J. Bucket
J. Burkton
Geoff Burnley
Geoffrey R. Butcher
Betsy Butson
Jast Byer
Camerons, 1940-1946
E.J. Canham
Bob Canton
Margaret Carlyle-Ball
L. Carter
T. Clarke, London
F.H. McCleary
C.R.P. Cole
G.W. Paul Cambe, IIIIXXXXX
J.T. Common
W.A. McConnell
Len Cooke R.A.F. Engineer
J.H. Wilson Cooper
G.M. Copeland
H.J. Corer
M. Could
Reg. Cowling
C.S. Graig
Tom Cramer Switzerland
Even Cranswick
Tom Creson
G. Croot Wests Australia, R.A.A.F.
E.J. Cunham
R. M. Curray
G.W. Daniels M.B.E.
R.L. Davis
M.W. Day
Dagwood Diving
Margaret Dodds Newcastle
Bud McDonald-R.C.A.F. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
J.F. McDonald
J. Dook
Ray Doral
Ami Dougall
Cyril Dowler 1941
E.S. Dudley
J.W. Duggs
J. Dullan
K. Dunn
J.V. Dyson
Val. G. D.
Bill Ear
R. Edwards
K. Fahy
Edward Farley
G.E. Feaser
W. Comstock Royal Montreal Neg.17.12.33
Anthony Cook
D. Cooper
W.M. Cooper Lord Mayor 7.1.39
R.L. Corby
F. Corpland B.N.A.F. C.M.F. (Paratrooper)
Glen Cove
K.D. Cox 485 Squadron, New Zealand
Mary Craig
R.H. Crampton
L. Cranwick
G. Crook R.A.A.F.
S.L. McCullock 12731 R.C.A.F.
D.C. Cunrew
G.C. Daniel Ghent, Belgium
M. David R.A.F. 92 Maintenance Unit
Lewis L. Darloys
John Dirke
J. Dixon Leeds
J.W. Dodworth
J. Donald
F.E. Donkerley
Paddy Joc Doolin 231 Squadron
E. Doris
Guy M. Dougall
J.R. Drury
G. Dudson Leeds
John Duke
Digwood Dumping
L. Dunn
J. W. Dyson
Vally D.
D.J. Eastham
El Ellon
K. Falim
Chaior Farmers Canada
Margaret Naef Finnish
C. Gamble
A. Gautholma
D. Gibb
W. Gill Aitkinson
J. Gladys
J. Goddard
M. Goggile
F.O. Golding
Leonard G. Golding
J. Gordon-Rice
J. Gouterworth
Peter J.S. Grant
G.W.G. Gray Skelton
S. Green Spr 20805507 49th DN/N.Yorks
J. Greenwood
D.T. Griffiths 1939
Nanette Greves Smith
W. Gull
G.S. Hally Palmerston Both, New Zealand, R.N.Z.A.F.
G.R. Halton 19.1.41
W. Hardal-Spink
L.O. Harrison 12.9.39
A. Harrogate
Cyril Hatton
A.B.J. Hayward
R. Hay****
Jack Henderson
G. R. Henley
R.S. Henley
Blanco Heslop
J.C. Hevero
P.W. Hilliard
D.B. Hobson 22.1.48 ?
W. Holden
John G. Hollis
A.E. Hopper K.D.G.
E. Horsley D. Crew
Ray Gardener 405 Squadron
A. Gawthorne
Cyril H. Gibbs R.A.S.C. 26.6.40
Jack F. Gilly U.S. Army 20.12.42
S. Glover
Weston George
E.P. Golding
F.P. Golding Rushton
Jean Goldsmith
Terence Gorora
R.C. Goy
Gas Gray
R.M. Gray
Winifred C. Gregory
C. Grook Durham
A.W. Guest
K. Guyatt
D. Hanover Ontario, Canada
J. Harrison Texas U.S.A.
Ron Harrod 11 R.T.R.
J. Hastings
Raymond Hawks R.G. R.A.A.F.
A.B. Hayward
W.S. Hayworth R.A.F. Poclington 12.1.42
J.H. Henderson
Pt. Henley H.M.S. Alynbank
G. Herbert
Bertram Hesmond-Halgh
John Hillman
J. Hird D. Crew
Derek Holdband
R. Holderworth
K. Holman
Sally Horlner
D.G. Hudson
Bill Howard A.A.R.E. September 1939
E.M. Hulse
John Hutchinson
G. Hutton South Combe
Paul Hybon
G.C.M. Ireland
N.C. Jackson V.C. 106 Squadron
R.N. Jackson
A. Jalyn
S. Johns
E.R. Jones
Maris A. Jesting
John Kaye
Mark Keer
H.W. Kemp
J.R. Kendall
Shorty Keough U.S.A.
B. Langley H.M.S. Express, Rsweir (****)1946
Lambert Langton
J.R. Larkin
C.H.I. Larsone
Peter Lawman
Brian Leckley Ulster, 1957
F. Lee R.A.F.
G. Letters Barney
L.S. Lidingham Lt. R.A.A.C.
R.G.D.E. Little
Snr. C.T. Levette 11453 New Zealand, R.C.C.N.Z.F.
C. Lowey
J.T.C. Lund Rask B.E.F.
W.B. Mackley Auckland, New Zealand
Frank Maise
Andrew B. Mamedoof U.S.A. Eagle Squadron
Sergeant Marmwick 143 Squadron, 3.9.43
B. Martin R.A.A.F. Australia 405373
Johney Hughes R.A.A.F.
T.W.B. Hutch Holme-on-Spalding
L. Hutchinson
Pat Hybein
R.N. Jackson
A. Jaill
G.C. John****
Thomas Johnson
G. Jones K.D.G.
John H. Key
D. Keeler
Con Kelway Victory and B.C.
John H. Kendal
J.K. Kender Derby
G.A. Peter Koiley
Tom Laplank R.C.A.F. Toronto, Canada
Bun Larmon
Sask Latton
F.B. Leach Sunco Leeds
Tempjos Lenna
J. Lewis
J.D. Lithouse
Rose Lockwood
Roy Lumba
H.M. McKey
T. Maher
D. Margery
V. Mart
Thos. H. Neddar
H. Nelson R.C.A.F.
J.T. Neolham
G. NewleySpr. 2081409 49th A.A.Br.R.E. Sept 12.39
K. Newley-Eric
W.A. Newman
C. P.L. Nicholson W.H. Nomson
Charles Nydd
Maggie Olso Whitley Bay
H.R. Omen
Dodley Osen
N. Palow
J.H. Parkington
B.G. Parrish
Happy Pays
A.B. Percy
Sergeant Peter T.W. Drayton, York
Chris Plaston
Jervis Pomley
N. Puck P/O Poland
Alfred E. PugarS.S. Northumberland 21 31.12.40
P. Quinn
Len Rahaley
G. Rawdin
Les. H. Read
Jim Revill
Allen Reynolds S.A.A.F.
Tom Riley
Elmer A. Rithe
Jean Robertson
J. Roberts
S.A. Roe 1939
Joyce R.B. Roisey
Allen Rose 1940
Jack Rosemary
Tom C. Nelson
B.R. Netherfood
Tom Newman
B.N. Nicholson
Peter Noble April 15th 1946
R. Norris
Chap Oleven
H.R. Omar
M. Optunbery August 14th 1939
A. C. Palfreema
Roy Pana
R. Parkington
J.D. Paterson Scottish Horse
D. Pearce
J.H. Perrin
E. Pinder
J.A. Poad
Bell Punch
H. Rafferty R.A.A.F.
Res. G.E. Rarghchroft K.S.L.I.
F.O. Rawlinson
A.A. Redbond R.A.F. Rolls Royce Ltd.,
Cliff Richards R.A.A.F.
Jean Ritching
I. Ritson
A. Robinson
D.H. Robson
L.Rodgers 22.6.46
Vera Rosamund Roe
J. Rorum
Sylvia Rose
J. Rosergh F. 3Hornsea
Ronnie the Rotter
G. Rommelly
Bert Rusty 1942
Hash Ryan
Yvonne Scarfe
S.H. Sedgewick
Rose Seth Sutherland 49th D.W. West Yorks. A.A.R.E.
Billy Seward 1949
John Shaw
K.B. Shepard
L. Sheppard Spr. 2088050
Diana Sheridan
Alan H. Simpson
Biddery Snith
Eric Smith
Grager Snith York 194?
S.V. Snith Tayape, New Zealand
James E. Sneeton
N.W. Stewb Preston
A.C. Story
John D. Strughia
Ben Stubbs
M. Suthe
D.S. Sykes
W.M. Taishef Jap
Storm Tanner Pilot, R.A.A.F.
J. Taylor A/C8 H.M.S. Rodney
W.H. Taylor
J.R. Thomas
E. Thompson
H. Thorp
D.H. Peare Trent S.S.R. Regina, Canada 11.3.41
Pike Turner 231 Squardon
J. Underwood
D. Vally
N. Verity
W.J. Wallace Valparaiso, Chile, South America
Frank E. Walker
Sergeant Rowland 408 Squadron
Keen Rudy 55th Parabridge 6.10.43
A. Ryan Ducks, Puududel
R.E. Sapper-Brown
Willy Semple R.A.F. Mug
C.E. Sharp
S.K. Shaw D2 Post Observer 1942
W.S. Shepherdson
L.W. Sheppard 2608TT8
J.L. Sim Montreal
B. Smith 485 Squadron (New Zealand)
C.H. Smith London
G. Smith Stockton
Jasa Smith
W. J. Smith
Fred Steward
R.H. Stiles
Mary Stuart
J.D. Suride
G.P. Sutherst 2/8th Lean, Australia
C. Trevor Taafe Hastings, New Zealand, A.S.C.
W. Taisher Brown
A.B. Taylor
R.H.R. Taylor
Tommy Thomas 231 Squardron
L.P. Thompson
J. Toddard
T.C. Tyeson 67 Squadron
G.D. Val
Jack Vendles
Edward Victor 2.2.39
J. Walker
E. Wallis
E.M. Walton
J. Ward
Bryan Watson 12.9.39
Eva Watson
J. Webster 19.1.41
Roy Webster D Crew
J.F. Westwood
R. Whillsden
A.D. White
L. Whitely
H.M. Whittles
Johnney Willis
G. Wilkinson
S. Wilkinson 1939
L. Wiltshire
R. Winship
F. W. Wood 408 Squadron
Frankie Yates 12th May
Allan H. Walsh
Bill Ward
J.C. Waterhouse
R. Watson
Percy Webb 28.4.48
Ray Webster S.S. Dundley
R. G. Wenley
J. Wett I Parkhead, Glasgow
Chally Whit
Kay White
G.C. Whittick
Biddy Williams
L.A. Willmott
Roger Wilkinson
J.H. Wilson
Terry Wilson
L. Winn
Terry the Wolfe 231 Squadron
Charles Wydd
-- Edited by Halifaxbomber on Friday 20th of March 2009 06:52:15 AM
I recognise K Fahy. The same name appeared on the back of one of my Dad's photos when he was training during WW2. I dont imagine there were too many K Fahys!
Ali (Alison), what was your Dad's full name? I seem to remember somebody named Jardine from my Air Force days. What SAquadron was he on and what did he do on the station?
Seeing Norman Jackson name there with V.C.has me a little confused.
He was shot down April 1944 and his award was invested in November of 1945. I presume the mirror says Norman Jackson without the V.C. being on the mirror as he would have signed it prior to receiving the award.
I understand there is a pub in Cambridge, possibly "The Eagle" that also has Bomber Command Crew signatures, this time on the ceiling. I would be interested in seeing that list too.
Thanks for posting that Halifaxbomber.
Veni, Vidi, Velcro...I came, I saw, I stuck around
Researching my father's time with 50 Squadron, 97 Squadron, Dulug Luft, Stalag Luft VI, Stalag 357, and Stalag Luft III.
The subject of Airmen's signatures is an interesting one, and I know of another way in which they are displayed. A Lady, Shiela Barnett of Oxfordshire has produced what she calls a "Friendship Cloth". She has embroidered the signatures of Bomber Command Airmen onto a large cloth, complete with other decorations. To date, she has more than 1000 signatures.
Shiela was a young Lady who lived close to Middleton St. George during the war years. She became fascinated by us flying out every night. After the war, she became an Accountant and got the job at the St. George's Hotel, the former Officer's Mess (where I lived when on the Squadron). She became a historian for the station, and then started the cloth. Most of the signatures are from #6 Group of the Command and I helped her get some of them from over here.
Shield wanted to place the cloth in a Canadian Air Museum when finished, but none she approached wanted to allow the wall space. So, it sits in Oxfordshire. I would like to get the loan of it for the #419 Squadron reunion at Cold Lake, Alberta, this July. But, I have had no response from Shiela, and if anyone in the Oxfordshire region could help, I will forward Shiela's E-mail address.
Hi Everyone with any interest in Bettys Bar, York - I am researching the social history of the cafe & would love to hear from anyone with any information or memories of having visited Bettys during the time they were stationed in the area [York, England] - I know Halifaxbomber did some great work listing all the names on the mirror in Bettys Bar elsewhere on here - but it would be great to hear from those who have memories of this time. THANK YOU!
Registered with flight over some issue with mirror in Betty's York - a spooky story to be written.
To cut a long story short - there are 3 lists of names to my knowledge; but one has been deciphered wrongly.
I just took an alphabetical list in sent to me by Yorkshire Air Museum who Betty's Staff said produced and supplied the two they had already, so now they have 3.
One is single column with reference numbers for each signature 1 to 600 +/-. The next is an earlier, also undated version with two columns. The third I just left there is a word processed alphabetical version in two columns reading left to right then down in alphabetical sequence.
I scanned mirror in the lower bar to 300 dpi JPEG and PDF, although I understand that there could be a middle section 12ft x 5ft in a crate at the Air Museum and intend to speak with both PR departments in a few moments.
Is the list you have in PDF format?
The erroneous listings are between those numbered 292, 293, 294 and 295 which states "Hutch" and "John Hutchinson" whereas I am informed, and as matches with the lead in storyline, the name "Mitch" Mitchinson from Downton Pensylvania who survived the war.
Obviously IIII = Hutch and IIII = Mitch if you compare the vertical downward strokes.
Can you help fill inn the answer to these questions and/or email a copy of the list?
Can I have a copy of the list please? My grandmother's brother was part of 158 Squadron (whose picture is on the wall on the right of the mirror) and I think I can read his signature from the mirror, having visited today, however I am not sure.
Could you please email the lists that you have to please?
Hi Jim.Thanks for posting the list of names on the mirror! My dad, Alan O'Grady, was stationed at Linton-on-Ouse and was in the Thunderbird Squadron. He mentioned Betty's and the mirror and in the 80s I went and tried to find his name on the mirror. It was too dark and I remember thinking it was a shame they had it hidden downstairs in dim lighting. Anyway, I now know, thanks to you, that his name is not there. It is interesting, nonetheless, to read the names and wonder which of these men my dad may have known.
Thanks for posting these names ! It must have been a lot of work. My Dad and his crew were stationed at Tholthorpe in '44 , but no luck finding their names. Fun checking though!
Jesse Coffey, Malcolm "Ding" Dingwall, Bob Bayne, Ken Hart , Digby "Jimmy" Willoughby, Ted Rutherglen, and Bob "Button" McWhirter.
Cheers, Clint.
-- Edited by Coffey on Friday 11th of March 2016 03:45:31 PM
Many of you will be aware of Betty's Cafe in York and its history of being a gathering place of Pilots and crews, from the local bomber stations around York, well Betty's has a mirror that became a focal point for the airmen to sign their names on, I now have a list of all the signatures on the mirror if anyone needs any names checking
Hi, thanks for all your work gathering all the names on the mirror, that and all the responses make really interesting reading. My dad John Holden (Curly) used to frequent the bar when he was in bomber command but I am not sure which squadron. Apparently a number of his friends scratched their names into the mirror and I am wondering if his brother ever visited him as there is a W. Holden. His name was Walter. Thanks again.
My father was also from 432 Squadron and some of the mementos he brought back is a list of signings from the mirror at Betty's Bar. If interested, I can send you this list.
Do you have an online menu to see what's there? I don't understand anything =). I created a website for my cafe, and now I get very good customers from the Internet. I did it with the help of a special constructor - It always helps me. It is an excellent service, I can safely recommend it to everyone.
Hello, my uncle was in the 10th Bomber Command KIA in May 1943 in Battle of the Ruhr. Was Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer based at Melbourne Airfield. I have visited there 7 years ago. I would have though he and his crew 7 in total would have visited there. They used yo go to the Bombers Arms at Pocklington. He was Derrick Henry George Adams or Derry as he was known. I have a lot of info but any additional would be gratefully received. At