In case you did not know of, I just want to make you aware of a site that provides a wealth of information for those who are looking for information of our fathers, grandfathers and alike.
A couple of years ago, I came across this site while looking for information on my father who served with 630 squadron. I managed to find my fathers flight engineer, who passed onto me all their operation details and many a short story. Truely a wealth of information.
It was put together in the UK for ex-crew members, waafs, ground-crew and alike, to put forward their memories of their actual experiences. The site, I believe, is now defunct but that won't stop you accessing all the information and contacts from the relevant crews & squadrons that you seek.
As an example, if you are looking for information, ie: 431 squadron, once you have entered the main page, type 'number' and 'squadron' into the box up the top lefthand side and it will bring up all those who have submitted details. As I've mentioned already, a fantastic site for finding relevant information.