Hi, I'm new to the forum so please bear with me. My uncle Bill Longmore (same name as myself) was mid-upper gunner on the above aircraft. The aircraft was shot down near LeHarve on the night of 7/8th August 1944. The entire crew perished and are buried in the village churchyard at Auberville la Renault. I read in the reunion topic about Squadron pictures. Would there be any possibility of a picture of the crew of KB755. I would gladly cover any costs incurred. The crew of KB755 were:- Pilot F/O B Walker J-18652 Flt/Engineer Sgt B Jones 1175759 Navigator P/O J Durrant J-89213 Bomb Aimer P/O P Merrick J-29679 Wireless Operator W/O1 J Schryer R-111994 Mid Upper Gunner Flt/Sgt W Longmore 1819806 Rear Gunner F/Lt M Wilson J-15458 Time off 21:22 Time down Missing Bombload 11 x 1,000lb and 4 x 500lb high explosives
When your Uncle was killed, I was already about 5 months in France, so it is unlikely I knew him (unless he was posted there before April 22nd). I have seen the photo Archives once and there were a lot of pictures, mostly of various crews. They were collected by Vince Elmer of Prince Albert, Sask., who was an electrician on the squadron. Vince handed them over to 419 at Cold Lake, Alberta, several years ago, and I am hoping they are still there when the reunion comes around. It is July 31 to Aug. 4 this year and at Cold Lake However, I will be seeing the Brass from 419 at a Mess Dinner in Calgary on April 3rd, and will ask then.
Hi John, Thank you for replying to me. I would be very grateful if you would do that for me. Iwill try to attach a picture of the graves in Auberville-la-Renault. There are three on one headstone and four single ones. Thanks again, Bill
Hi John, I hope you will not think I am being forward. In one of your emails you said you were going to see The Brass (419 Sqn) and you would ask about the Photo Album, in particular my uncle's crewmembers and plane. Their aircraft was Lancaster X KB755 VR-F. The crew were, Walker, Wilson, Durrant, Merrick, Schryer, Jones and Longmore, all buried in Auberville la Renault. Thanks in advance, Bill