Hello there all, and can I just say how useful I am finding this site!
Reason I am lurking around here is for some research - I am currently trying to write my first novel.
A large part of that involves a bomber pilot of a Halifax bomber in 1943. I have him stationed in South Yorkshire and have been able to come up with an appropriate base etc
I am interested to find out the training and recruitment process the average bomber pilot would have had
Would he have been conscripted or would most have been a volunteer?
I am assuming grammar school education? right or wrong?
I am assuming basic training in the UK then off to canada - but for how long?
I / we, can fill you in with the details but it would probably be better to hear it from those who actually were there, ( we are very fortunate enough to have ex crew members here on this forum ) like our good friend P/O John A. Neal.
I'm sure John will advise you shortly. Regards,
John stirlingaircraftsoc.raf38group.org/
K for Kitty Crew - Winthorpe, ( Stirlings ) 1661 HCU's - 630 Squadron - East Kirkby. " There is nothing glorious about war with the exception of those who served us so valiantly"
"I consider it not only the best and most true to life 'war' book I've read about this war, but the best about all the wars of my lifetime." - Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir Arthur Harris.
Can't get any higher recommendation than that.
One of the few books I have read back to back to back. When I read it the first time, I was more interested in the second half (0perational stories.) But appreciated the first half (on training schools) all the more during subsequent reads.
Right, this website is a really good info source. I am applying for a job at an aviation museum so I am getting prepared for it properly. Also thought about using a service like https://edureviewer.com/resume/resumes-planet-reviews/ to get my resume done perfectly. Do you guys think that it would be a legit idea?
You know, a good resume is very expensive. Maybe you should try to write it with your mind or use the writing service superior paper? It is a reliable and affordable solution that will allow you to get a quality paper and save money. After all, unemployed people are in need of money. Right?