I am interested in finding anyone who can give an insight or shed some information on RAF Wombleton In North Yorkshire.
A good few years back I stayed at the campsite on the paremeter of the airfield and while out walking one evening discovered this amazing place. I didn't even know it existed until I stood on the main runway and the penny dropped as to where I was. I don't know what it was, or what it is but I am awestruck by this place.
Since, I have researched the formal facts about the airfield but I would like to try and find some first hand experience of it. I know the layout, the work that was undertaken there but I would love to try and marry this with actualy people who were based there.
I know this is a long shot as time is passing by but any help however small would be appreciated.
With regard to your enquiry re the building closest to Wombleton Grange it was a picket post- security hut. It also doubled up as a changing room as the field it was in was the station sports field. Post war it was used to store agricultural equipment. In the early 1960's it was used by 2 enterprising local boys to house their collection of rabbits, Dutch Butterflies, fine creatures !