I have previously posted here requesting information on the above crew of which my wives Uncle, James Duckworth was the Navigator. The main crew completed 30 missions and Jim was awarded the DFC. On their fourth mission to Frankfurt they were hit by a night fighter, set on fire, but they continued to bomb and limped home. This event is reported in "Strike and Return." I sadly have to report that Jim passed away last Sunday at his home in Hungerford. He was 93 and the last survivor of the crew. Many thanks to all who responded and provided info on the crew and 460 in general.
So sad to hear of Jim's death at 93,we owe Jim and his crew so much for doing their job at such young ages and for having such courage. Thoughts are with you.
I hope the following link leads you to a wonderful rendition of John Gillespie McGee's beautifully written peom "High Flight". Sometimes it seems a most fitting tribute to the passing of those remarkable winged warriors who were willing to sacrifice it all for the values we should hold so dear. http://youtu.be/8qqVRBZO5gc
My error and apology - that should be John Gillespie Magee. A Pilot Officer serving in the RCAF killed Dec. 11/41 in the crash of his 412 Falcon Squadron Spitfire after a collision with an Oxford aircraft. The original manuscript of Magee's beautifully written and emotive poem resides in the U.S. Library of Congress.
My mistake aside (and now corrected) it is and remains a wonderful piece.