I am member of the Musée du Souvenir at Haut-le-Wastia (Belgium).
Our museum perpetuates the memory of the soldiers who fought during 1940 to defend Belgium.
But we show also some parts of the Wellington X3711 of 419 Squadron RCAF (shot down on Sept. 3 1942) near our museum. See our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/museedusouvenirmai40?ref=hl#!/museedusouvenirmai40/photos/o.357014811279/918730908144207/?type=1&theater
We have some pictures of the crew and a letter of a family but we try to get a picture of the aircraft X3711.
Can you help us to find a picture we can expose in our museum?
Many Thanks
Just read your article. I am a cousin of Harry William Thompson, the F/O of Wellington X3711.
Larry Thompson