I think they were taken in early to mid September 1943.
Pilots ELLISON Flight Sergeant JEAL Sergeant JONES Sergeant OLIVER Flight Lieutenant * PILLTINGSGRUD Lieutenant Norwegian? WARDLE AVH Sergeant KIA 29th July 44, Aged 21; buried at Durnbach. WOOD**** Sergeant NELSON JD Wing Commander 33092 Posted in from RAF College S.F.T.S. (14.09.43) source: 83 O.T.U. ORB posted to 51 Base (09.12.43 - then to C.O. of 12 Sqn).
* F/L Oliver was pilot for Hewetson and Dowling for a long period at Peplow but did not finish with this crew. Hewetson and Dowling left Peplow as part of W/C RVL Pattison's crew.
Navigators HERN Pilot Officer HEWETSON AJ Pilot Officer KIA 28/29 July 44, Buried at Schalbach. HOUGHTON Pilot Officer KLEVE Sergeant (not RAF or Commonwealth air force) MILLARD Sergeant * SPARKS Pilot Officer ROBERTSON Pilot Officer Shot down 28/29 July 44: POW Bankau WATSON Pilot officer
Wireless Operators (all Sergeants) DICKINSON DOWLING PL Shot down 28/29 July 44: PoW Bankau EDEN F Shot down 28/29 July 44: PoW Bankau ELLIOT JONES SANDBERG SMITH WREFORD
Hewetson and Dowling are well known to me as I've extensive research of their 625 Sqn crew. Does anyone have any information on the others; It would be good to add some details to these photos and interesting to summarise what happened to them. I have tried the London Gazette for details of the officers but without success.