Hi all,
I'm looking for help with the Bomber Command (3 Group) target routes for the targets below. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
18/11/43 Target: Manheim Route: 90 Sqdn LJ379
10-11/04/44 Target: Laon Route: ?
24/06/44 Target: LHey Route: ?
25-26/08/44 Target: Russelsheim Route: 75 Sqn LL866
12-13/09/44 Target: Frankfurt Route: 90 Sqdn PB193
Thanks in advance
- CA Butler and the loss of Lancaster ME334
- Aircrew Training WWII (Basic / Trade / Operational)
- No. 35 Squadron [From Thetford to Scampton]
[Always looking for COPIES of original documents / photographs etc relating to these subjects]
Hi Pete,
Thank you for the offer , your wordpress site wants me to open up a new account, I would prefer not to if at all possible. Could you email me the information at: howardsandall622ATbtinternet.com. Please replace the AT with the usual @
sincere thanks