Deteriorating physical and psychological health is one of the characteristics of older people, so caring for the elderly requires a lot of patience and time.
They begin to suffer from impaired memory, lose their visual acuity and hearing, it is difficult to adapt to everything new. To avoid conflict situations, it is necessary to know and follow a number of rules for caring for the elderly.
Psychological assistance and care are important steps in dealing with older people. Most often, the principle of caring for the elderly is not due to age, but to their state of health. Some retirees, even at a very old age, remain in their right mind, retain their thinking and self-service skills. And someone after 60 years old needs daily care of loved ones or a nurse (people with Alzheimer's disease, Pick, senile dementia). Such elderly people tend to remain mobile, while the ability to assess reality is lost, and they can cause serious harm not only to themselves, but also to those around them.
Caring for the elderly includes hygiene measures, the implementation of medical recommendations, daily routine, food, walks, leisure, and, of course, regular communication with loved ones, which fills life with positive emotions and meaning.
With age, many people change their character and, as a rule, for the worse. Therefore, older people often become aggressive, irritable, suspicious, capricious. Their behavior sometimes causes fear of loved ones, but they believe that others around them are prejudiced. For example, they can be critical and suspicious of family members, but at the same time, they show gullibility and sympathy for complete strangers. For this reason, elderly people often become victims of scammers.
Fears, anxiety, self-doubt, feeling of lack of demand, and depressive disorders are typical for the elderly. Such behavior should be treated with understanding and not to blame the person for the fact that he suffers from mental disorders or dementia, since this will greatly offend him.
If a loved one is often tormented by fears, depression arises, try to provide him with attention and psychological support: listen to complaints, talk on different topics, praise, and encourage. As a rule, such changes in the psyche are due to a decrease in the functioning of parts of the brain, and not a harmful nature.
You can relieve the emotional state of a relative by regular friendly communication, care and attention. As a psychotherapeutic method, find an activity for him that he likes and distracts from negative thoughts.
Elderly people often suffer from various diseases and need special care. In this case, it is quite difficult to provide full-fledged care, so the question arises: to hire a specially trained nurse or take care of a loved one on your own? You can choose home care agencies All american home care is dedicated to providing the highest quality in home health and personal care services for the valued patients in our community.
-- Edited by rekekih on Monday 11th of January 2021 03:40:07 PM